Service Air Springs

Metal Lobe Air Springs have both top and below plates, and they are produced as cylindrical or as conical forms. These types of air springs are mostly used in trailers, trucks and busses.

Types of the metal lobe air springs vary according to the operation spaces, assembly heights and loading capacities.

Complete Air Springs

Complete Air Springs with metal piston incorporate a piston at one end of the bellows rather than a plate.

Generally, installing these types of air springs is easier than installing metal lobe air springs.

These types of air springs are available in different versions.

Complete Air Springs with plastic piston incorporate a piston at the end of the bellows.

They are more cost effective and lighter than the metal pistons.

Roll Air Springs

Rolling Lobe Air Springs are usually used in busses and in light commercial vehicles. Recently, they are also used in trucks by vulcanizing metal connection parts. Besides, they are used as a third axle spring or lifting spring in some vehicles.The products with both beads in conical shape, can easily be mounted to the plates and to the pistons which are produced with appropriate diameter and conical structure. They can also easily bedismantled from them.

Except the types, which are specially produced with 4-6 layers of cord fabric, the cylindrical types can be attached symmetrically in both directions. However, in conical types the section with short diameter must be fitted to the pistons (chassis – bottom), the other section with wide diameter must be connected to the plates (chassis – top).

Convoluted Air Springs

Convoluted Air Springs are constructed with one or more than one folds. They can be used in several application areas in the industry. They can easily be installed and do have a long lasting service period.

Cabin Air Springs

Cabin suspensions are developed to protect the driver against rough road conditions. Cab suspensions reduce the vibration level of the cabin and their ride height. Stiffness can be changed to adjust for different cab loading or road surfaces.


IRC (International Rubber Company) Automotive Inc., is manufacturing air springs in its new and modern facilities in Kocaeli / Başiskele district, since 2008. IRC, who isa member of Kanık Group, manufactures air springs for Buses,Trucks,Trailers and Container Vehicles by ‘steam & nitrogen cure method’. Currently, IRC is one of the leading companies in this business segment and uses “AIRREX” as the brand name for its products.The aim of the company is to be the best manufacturer in EMEA Region.


All types of trucks, particularly the container vehicles and vehicles with interchangeable bodies, are fitted with air spring with great success. There is a wide variety of possible uses on the front, rear and tag axle, as well as on the leading axle in the semi-trailer trucks.

Apart from low natural frequency, which projects the vehicles, load and road air springs after the possibility of raising and lowering the vehicle body for loading and unloading.


Buses benefit the advantages offered by air spring to achieve consistently high degrees of riding comfort and vehicle heights independent irrespective of load. Thisapplication generally involves two air spring being fitted to the front axle, and four to the rear axle in the busses. In Europe and USA, all busses are fitted with air springs, whereas in many other countries the usage of the air uspension systems is increasing.

Air springs are developed according to the specified conditions, such as load capacity characteristic and spring deflection.

For commercial vehicles, a distinction is made between basic types of air springs, namely rolling lobe air springs named as rolling lobe air springs and convoluted air springs.